Have you ever loved a Black man?

Maybe if you have

You too can understand

How a cop with a gun in his hand

Is a threat to life and liberty

To every pursuit of happiness

No man on Earth deserves less


Have you ever loved a Black man?

Then you know we can not

And will not be free

Until the men we love

Get to fulfill a destiny

Not trapped behind bars

Or handcuffed and stuffed

Into police cars


Have you ever loved a Black man?

Who deserves life

Without parole

To live free from control

Based on fear

Fear of the very men

We hold dear


Have you ever loved a Black man?

A man who raised you to be

More than what the eyes can see

A man who sang to you with soul

A man who stayed strong

But hate took a toll

Until one day he couldn’t fix his face

Despite being told

There is no crying in this place


Have you ever loved a Black man?

A man brought to his knees

Yet still refuses to do as they please

A man who took all the beatings

And cried I can’t breathe


Have you ever loved a Black man?

Whose wounds bleed

From the lashes

Where massa’s whip took seed

Only to grow more and more hate

From truth that false histories

Cannot abate


Have you ever loved a Black man?

A beautiful Black man


Well then you’ll never understand

How it feels to watch one die

By a white hand

Just because they can