Author: Simon During

After Post-Colonialism and Globalization: rethinking the concept of the ‘global south’ from an internationalist perspective

[NOTE: Basic questions about the shape of the world seems particularly unsettled these days. Simon During, one of the most ambitious and erudite of post-post-colonial thinkers, here interrogates the concept of the “global south,” which has been indispensable to those mapping the morally and politically actionable landscape, through Carl Schmitt, the status of Europe after Eurocentrism, and the way in which the political mobilization of indigenous peoples has decentered the causality for contemporary injustice, forcing us to consider the weight of local as well as global factors. An earlier version of this essay appeared as Simon During (2020) The Global South...

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Literary Academia: Simon During Reflects, Part II

This text was originally delivered at an event honoring Simon During’s retirement from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, where he has been Research Professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities since 2010. During’s books include Foucault and Literature (Routledge 1991), Patrick White (Oxford 1994), Modern Enchantments: The Cultural and Secular Power of Magic (2002), Exit Capitalism, Literary Culture, Theory and Post-Secular Modernity (Routledge 2010) and, most recently, Against Democracy: Literary Experience in the Era of Emancipations (Fordham 2012). In the late eighties, the Dawkins reforms were announced, aimed mainly at increasing participation in Australian...

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Literary Academia: Simon During Reflects, Part I

This text was originally delivered at an event honoring Simon During’s retirement from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, where he has been Research Professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities since 2010. During’s books include Foucault and Literature (Routledge 1991), Patrick White (Oxford 1994), Modern Enchantments: The Cultural and Secular Power of Magic (2002), Exit Capitalism, Literary Culture, Theory and Post-Secular Modernity (Routledge 2010) and, most recently, Against Democracy: Literary Experience in the Era of Emancipations (Fordham 2012). Can you think personally and impersonally simultaneously? Yes, you can, and that’s what I will be...

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