Author: Melvin Brinkley

Trump’s Chumps

I am a retired United States Air Force and Veterans Administration chaplain. Since the Republican Party has no platform except to counter whatever the Democrats try to legislate, I thought I might have some fun with that theme because it’s depressing and demoralizing and needs to be ridiculed. I am doing whatever I can to keep January 6th REAL as distinct from what some are doing — dumbing it down, playing it down, and turning it inside out and upside down, and blaming it on Speaker Pelosi. What an absurdity. That’s why I write these days. January 6th is...

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Who Is My Neighbor?

Note: the author served as a chaplain in the US Air Force and is now retired.   Recently a friend of mine commented that she was glad the impromptu BLM memorial in our city’s park had been removed. Actually, it had been vandalized and some stalwart citizens had cleaned up the debris. What I said to my friend startled both of us. Where did my passion come from? The answer to that question led me to reflect on how some challenging events in my life had formed my thinking on this issue. One was a high school experience. When...

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