Month: April 2018

The Breeders: All Nerve

The Breeders All Nerve 4AD I’ve never really bought into the Cult of Kim Deal.  Sure, she was a wicked bassist and all that with the Pixies.  But she did not make the band.  The Pixies still sound exactly like the Pixies without her.  She wasn’t the star of that show, Black Francis is.  And say what you will about the clash of egos there, the idea the Pixies are not as mighty without her is bullshit. BUT.  Kim Deal is a killer frontwoman.  The Breeders are one of the greatest bands of the 90s, and they continued on...

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Julian Calendar: Not Your Standard Rock’n’Roll Band

Julian Calendar is not your standard rock’n’roll band.  Based in Charlotte, NC, the band is led by Jeremy Fisher, who has been doing this for a bit.  Last year, after writing some instrumental music, he approached two friends to provide some lyrics to some demos.  One, Amy Bagwell, is a poet and artist; the other, Jeff Jackson, is a novelist.  As Fisher notes, they did more than provide lyrics, they brought with them melodies and other ideas about shaping the songs.  And Jackson joined the band as singer.  Neither Jackson nor Hannah Hundley, who also handles vocals, have never...

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